July 16 Lunch N Learn: Elyse Kauffman
RSVP and\or Order your Lunch: https://bit.ly/3VvcAK4
Thank you to our Sponsor, Everence Financial, who made it possible to plan and execute our 2025 Lunch N Learn Series. Elyse Kauffman is Everence’s Charitable Consultant. In addition to more than 15 years of experience with nonprofit organizations, she has served this role at Everence for the past three years. Elyse has a background in several areas, including understanding the needs of donors, charitable organizations, families, and nonprofit organizations.
“Expand your generosity while protecting your income”
Join Elyse as she shares creative ways to give generously while protecting your income. In this session, you’ll explore tools like qualified charitable distributions, donor advised funds, charitable gift annuities, and bequests. Learn about the tax benefits of planned giving and how giving through your IRA can work for you—all explained in Elyse’s fun, easy-to-understand style!
RSVP & Lunch Information
Attendees must RSVP to attend. If you plan to purchase a lunch through our organization, you must order by July 9th, 2025, through the form linked below.
RSVP and\or Order your Lunch: https://bit.ly/3VvcAK4
Each boxed lunch includes a sandwich of your choice, chips, pickle, cookie, and a drink for $8.00. You may choose to bring your own lunch or simply attend to hear the speaker.
Important to know: You may not purchase a lunch at the event. You must fill out the form above to receive lunch.
Event Information
Lunch N Learn presentations are held in our Snell Community Center inside our Fellowship Hall. When you enter through the main road, you will follow the road straight until you see a sign that says Snell Community Center.Parking is free and will be available. Volunteers will be available to show you the way to the registration table and where to pick up your lunch if you purchased one. Registration is at 11:30. Presentation will start promptly at 12:00pm. Attendees will find theirs seats at a table to watch the presentation.
Questions? Call or email Olivia Harris at (717) 838- 5406 ext. 3052 /oharris@londonderryvillage.org