This year features a variety of entertainment for adults & children as well as an abundance of delicious food offerings from start to finish! See the complete schedule of happenings here. [...]
In addition to the Café at the Stoneback Library receiving a fresh modern look, a new menu just dropped which is creating quite the stir! The Café will now have made-to-order salads, sandwiches [...]
Our CEO, Jeff Shireman, had the opportunity to sit down with Susan Ryan and participate in an episode of “Elevate Eldercare” which is a podcast by The GREEN HOUSE Project and the [...]
Londonderry Village (LV) is on the cutting edge of renewable energy. For the past few years, LV has been working closely with Solar Renewable Energy, LLC (SRE), a Mechanicsburg, PA based solar [...]
Sponsor a tribute brick in honor or in memory of a loved one. (Please complete one form for each tribute brick.) Dedicating a brick is a wonderful way to pay tribute to a loved one while also [...]